Cork is Ecofriendly
cork oak
Cork is the bark of the cork oak – Quercus Suber L. – which means that it is a 100% natural vegetable tissue.
The cork oak forest is one of only 35 ecological hotspots, playing important roles in soil conservation, water quality and oxygen production

It takes 25 years before a cork oak tree starts producing cork and is profitable. Each trunk must reach a perimeter of about 70 cm when measured at 1.3 meters from the ground. From then on, its exploration will last an average of 150 years.
Environment Friendly
Stripped cork oaks absorb 3 to 5 times more carbon dioxide than uncorked trees. Portugal is responsible for about 10 million tons of CO2 absorbed thanks to the cork oaks existing throughout the country. Do not forget that these trees are also important for the production of oxygen.

Cork is Natural, Ecological and Biodegradable
Because it is born in trees and its extraction process does not involve cutting or cutting trees, cork is natural and ecological. In addition, it is a biodegradable material that can be recycled without the production of toxic and polluting gases. The extraction process for this material also does not involve the use of any toxic material.
The choice of consuming cork contributes to our planet becoming greener and renewing itself. Travel with us on this adventure of preserving the environment.

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